Just around the corner
Sounds and stuff from the Norwegian avant-garde, noise, & underground. Scenes, releases, labels, etc
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Upcoming gigs
Woken up from the winter hibernation, I am preparing for some upcoming gigs. Here the confirmed so far. More later.
Tuesday 28 may - solo sett @ Dama Di, Bodø, Norway
Tuesday 04 June - solo sett & Origami Kaførrnokka @ Brugata, Oslo, Norway
Friday 21 June - Boreas y Gogledd @ Avantgardefestival Schiphorst, Germany
Saturday 22 June - annexe collaborations @ Avantgardefestival Schiphorst, Germany
Sunday 23 June - Ufo Kollektiv Schiphorst @ Avantgardefestival Schiphorst, Germany
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
NXP – Notes From the Field of Guilt (review)

Label: Requiem Productions
Cat no: XP 12
Release date: 15.02.13
Bandcamp link
I see this album in two parts. The first three tracks are quiet dirty ambient noise. So quiet from the start that you have to go and check whether you have turned the volume way to much down. But ultimately this makes you listen even more, and I notice the murky darkness of a future sound of a barren landscape. The second half is also three tracks, and they come out much more apparent, and easier to relate to. Not that this is easy listening, though. Far from it. Again it is darkness, but rhythms and even piano chords makes the tracks less abstract. The moods are slow, melancholic, and the label claims this album is not for people afraid of the dark, or not for people with suicidal thoughts. So if you think the world or you life is a dark gloomy place, with no positivity, have a listen to this album and get everything confirmed. But still, it can be shared with yourself on a dark rainy night with your own thoughts, a glass of wine, lighted fireplace, and scare yourself with what lurks outside the windows or in a not too distant future. Or if you think the daylight is just too bright, and the sun always shines on your life, get deep into tracks as “A Crash Course to Final Destruction” or” Snapshots of Reality” and get your mind in the just direction. Or you might say; my life is not that bad, anyway. Have a try.
Review published on Freq webzine
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Nødutgangfestivalen 2012
25 - 28 oktober
Dama Di / Sinus / Kunstforeningen / Galleri Bodøgaard
Torsdag på Dama di (20:00 Gratis, 18 År)
Psykisk Tortur
Tore H. Bøe (Spania)
Fredag på Bodø Kunstforening (19:00)
Linn Halvorsrød (Står til 11 November 2012)
Fredag på Sinus (20:00 150,- 18 År)
The Sweetest Thrill
Void Ov Voices (Ungarn)
Maja SK Ratkje
Zeni Geva (Japan)
Lørdag på Sinus (12:00 Gratis, fri alder)
Lørdagskafe m/artister fra programmet
Lørdag på Sinus (20:00 150,- 18 År)
NXP + Dead Player
Stadtfisch (Tyskland) & The Flexible Orcestra
Jennifer Torrence (USA)
Tangle Edge
Søndag på Galleri Bodegård (18:00 Gratis)
Traum Mas
Film: Orfeus
Simply Me
Peter Nicholson (Sco)
Thursday, August 16, 2012
New Espron album out
It's been a while since Esprons last album Ka Nu? was out, but the waiting is over, and Lunheim Sessions is just released as free download by EggStatic Records. The work for this album started in 2008, and progressed over some sessions at the wonderful cabin in Lunheim following years. Get it HERE
Friday, August 10, 2012
Personal Best #2 releaseparty
New issue of Marhaugs Personal Best fanzine is out now. Releaseparty in Brugata, Oslo, tomorrow, Saturday 11th August, with performances by Maja Ratkje and FNS, also interviewed in this issue. Articles in the fanzine also includes interviews of Attila Csihar (Sunn O)))/Mayhem), Damage Digital, Incapacitants, Don Dietrich (Borbetomagus), Earth, Phil Blankenship, Vanhala and Katsura Mouri. Check out Marhaug Forlag for more info.
Friday, August 03, 2012
PSYKISK TORTUR - Nightrider vinyl out soon
Edition: 100 copies
Release date: TBA August 2012
Lars Nicolaysen: Drums, Metal & Stuff
Ronny Wærnes: Electronics, Effects, Voice, Metal & Stuff
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